How to Make the Most of Your Empty Nest

Older couple dancing in the kitchen

Perhaps you’re an empty nester or on the cusp of this life stage. Maybe you haven’t given much thought to empty nest ideas. If not, now is a great time to create a plan for that extra space in your home if you intend to stay in your house.

You may have additional bedrooms or more room in the basement – space you’re not using now that the kids are out of the house. Whatever the case, it’s time to take a good look at your home and decide what to do with the extra space.


Hands holding two baskets of donated items with chalkboard placed in front, stating 'to donate'

Clearly, the first thing you want to do is clear out any clutter and get rid of anything you no longer need. This is a good opportunity to go through your belongings and decide what’s worth keeping and what can be donated or sold. Donate items you no longer need to charity or have a garage sale to get rid of them. Be sure to properly dispose of any items that can’t be sold or donated. 

Having a decluttering plan will make the process much easier and less overwhelming. And remember to schedule your decluttering so you have time to do it right. And, of course, you must take the necessary action to complete your empty nest decluttering project. To help you get on track and stay the course, get our Declutter Workbook and achieve your decluttering goals.

Handling the sentimental items

Box of vintage items

While you’re decluttering, you will come across sentimental items. I mean, how could you not? Even though these are things that your kids have outgrown or that are no longer used, they still hold a special place in your heart. 

So, what do you do with them? Here are some ways to declutter sentimental items

What you don’t want to do is let sentimentality stand in the way of decluttering your home. You can always find another way to keep the memory alive without hanging on to the physical item.

For instance, you can take photos of them and create a photo album or scrapbook. You can donate kids’ items to women’s shelters or charitable organizations. You can even create a special display area in your home. Whatever you decide, memories can be preserved without tangible objects.

Re-purpose empty nest rooms

Once you’ve decluttered your home and freed up some extra space, it’s time to decide what to do with that space. Here are a few empty nest ideas:

1. Guest bedroom

Neat and tidy guest bedroom

Turn an extra bedroom into a guest bedroom. This way, you’ll always have a place for visitors to stay. Be sure to keep the room clean and stock it with fresh linen and any other necessary items. Keeping the room looking fresh and inviting will make your guests feel right at home and you won’t need to rush around getting the room ready for those surprise visits.

2. Home office

Woman on phone in home office

If you’ve been doing your extra work on the couch or at the kitchen or dining table, due to lack of room, now is the time to set up a real home office. Having a dedicated space for your work will help you be more productive and organized. Plus, it will give you a place to retreat to when you need to focus on your work.

3. Craft room

Craft room with sewing machine and knitting arranged neatly

Do you love to craft but don’t have the space to do it? Now you can turn that extra room into your very own craft room. Take a look at these craft room ideas. You’ll have a place to keep all of your supplies and materials organized and within reach. And, you can close the door when you’re finished working and your craft projects will be out of sight until you’re ready to work on the next one.

4. Home gym

Older woman stretching on mat in home gym

If you’ve been meaning to get into shape but haven’t had the time or space to do it, now is your chance. Turn that extra room into a home gym and you’ll always have a place to work out. You can save money on gym membership fees! Just be sure to stock the room with some basic equipment and workout gear.

5. Reading room/library

Older woman sitting in a comfortable chair reading a book

Do you love to read but never seem to have the time? Create a cozy reading room and you’ll always have a place to curl up with your favorite book. Be sure to include a comfortable reading chair, a small table, and plenty of shelves for all your books. You might also want to add a lamp to create the perfect reading environment.

6. Entertainment center

Older couples playing ping pong

The possibilities in a now-empty basement or bonus room are endless. You could turn it into a home theater, complete with a big screen tv and surround sound system. Or you could set up a game room, with a ping pong table, foosball table, or air hockey table. If you have the space, you could even create a combination of both an entertainment center and a game room. The choice is yours!

7. Playroom

Two young boys kicking a ball in their playroom

Do you have grandkids? If so, they’ll love having their very own playroom. Be sure to stock the room with toys, games, and other fun activities. And if you don’t have grandkids, you can always use the room as a guest bedroom or home office. The choice is yours!


These are just a few empty nest ideas for what you can do with that extra room in your home. No matter what you decide to do with that extra room, be sure to make it your own. This way, you’ll enjoy spending time in the space, and it will be a reflection of your personal style.

You may be surprised at how much you can accomplish with a little bit of planning and some extra space. So go forth and declutter, then get creative and make that room your own!

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2 thoughts on “How to Make the Most of Your Empty Nest

  • July 7, 2022 at 5:09 pm

    Helpful tips as always.

    • July 7, 2022 at 9:39 pm

      Thanks 😊

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