Do Not Keep These 10 Things in Your Bedroom

Woman on laptop in dimly lit bedroom

With the busyness of life, it’s easy to get off track with your decluttering and organizing goals. And your bedroom can quickly become cluttered and messy, making it a stressful and uncomfortable place to be. This defeats the purpose as  you want your bedroom to be a haven – a place of rest, not a storage unit or a disorganized mess.

Look at this list of 10 things not to keep in your bedroom and see if any of them apply to you. If so, it’s time to make a change so that you can create the haven you desire!

1. Exercise equipment

Pedals and lower portion of a stationary cycle

If you’ve got exercise equipment in the bedroom, there’s a good chance you’re not using it. And, unless you’re using it regularly, there’s no need to keep exercise equipment in your bedroom. It can take up a lot of space, and it’s an eyesore. Furthermore, unused exercise equipment often starts being used as a clothes hanger, which is not its intended purpose! So, if you’ve decided to use the equipment, move it to your basement or another part of your home, or if you come to terms with the fact that you will not be using the equipment, either donate it or get rid of it.

2. Electronics

Woman lying on her side in bed using a laptop

Other things not to keep in your bedroom are TVs, laptops, and other electronics, as they can be disruptive to a good night’s sleep. At the very least, store them in another room to keep them out of sight when you’re ready to sleep.

Now, if your phone doubles as your alarm clock and you’ve got to keep it in your bedroom, put it on airplane mode – this way, it won’t light up when you get a notification.

3. Dirty laundry

Dirty clothes piled up on a chair in the bedroom

This one should be a no-brainer, but dirty laundry doesn’t belong in the bedroom! Not only is it unsightly, but it can also make it harder to relax. Keep your laundry hamper in your closet or ideally in your laundry room so that you’re not tempted to leave your clothes on the floor or hanging on your unused exercise equipment 😉.

4. Old magazines

Stack of magazines with yellow sticky outlining 'please recycle'

Those old magazines taking up space are also things not to keep in your bedroom. Preserve the articles or recipes you want to keep by snapping pics of them with your phone or tearing them out and filing them. Then get rid of the rest.

5. Knick-knacks

3 miniature garden knomes

Do you really need that many snow globes? Chances are that the answer is no. Get rid of any trinkets or knick-knacks that are just taking up space on your dresser or nightstand. You’ll be surprised at how much room you have when they’re gone.

6. Unfinished projects

Incomplete knitting project

Perhaps you have unfinished projects, such as the incomplete blanket that you started knitting ages ago. Unfinished projects can be frustrating, and they can make your bedroom feel cluttered.  Containerize your knitting in Ziploc bags or plastic totes and organize them on shelves inside a closet.  Otherwise, these projects will end up taking up valuable space and causing you stress when you look at them. 

Be sure to develop a plan to finish what you started – it will do wonders for your peace of mind.

7. Food

Partially eaten stale red apple

Food doesn’t belong in the bedroom either. It’s unsanitary and can attract bugs and other pests. On top of that, if you forget about it, you’ll have to deal with stale food! So, if you’re looking for a midnight snack, eat it in the kitchen or dining area. Keeping food in the bedroom is a bad habit. And it’s time to break this habit. It’ll be worth it in the long run.

8. Paper clutter

Stack of paper, files, photos on a desk

Your bedroom is not the place for those piles of paper. It’s unappealing and can be overwhelming. Keep those items in a designated spot elsewhere in your home, and make sure to declutter your paper on a regular basis.  Here’s a helpful step-by-step process for managing your paper piles.

9. Your pets

Dog wearing black glasses lying on bed

This one might be controversial, but some experts believe that your bedroom should be a relaxing space for you, or you and your partner – not your pet. If your animal is disruptive or if you’re allergic, it might be best to keep your pet out of the bedroom.  If you’re on the fence about this one, Healthline has a balanced article about the risks and benefits of sleeping with your pets.  

10. Work material

Messy desk in dimly lit bedroom

Your bedroom is not your office. So, any work-related items, such as files, papers, or work projects, should be kept out of the room. Not only will it make it harder to relax, but you might also be tempted to work late into the night. By the same token having a desk in the bedroom can create a catch-all for clutter. A desk piled high with papers, files, and other miscellaneous items can be overwhelming and stressful. If limited space leaves you with no other option, keep your desk clean and organized. And if room permits, move it to another area in your home.


If you want your bedroom to be a haven, start by decluttering and organizing it. Follow these tips for getting rid of the things not to keep in your bedroom and create an environment that’s calming and relaxing.

To further help you declutter your bedroom and accomplish your decluttering goals, get our Declutter Workbook. It contains step-by-step decluttering instructions, a re-usable template, and a checklist. 

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