7 Easy Areas to Declutter: Start Today

Junk drawer to declutter

If you read my post 10 Things You Can Get Rid of Right Now While Decluttering and applied what you read, you can appreciate the value of taking action.  Identifying easy areas to declutter can also spur you into action.

This post focuses on 7 easy areas to declutter.

After all, doing something is better than doing nothing.


Let’s do this.

1. Car

While decluttering your car may not immediately come to mind, it’s amazing how fast items can accumulate in your vehicle.  And, how fast this becomes the status quo.

If you’ve got a range of things in your car from takeout menus, straws, old receipts, you know what I mean.

Really, the possibilities are endless.

With your trusty trash bag in hand, check your glove compartment, the center console (little storage area between the driver and passenger seats), the seat cushions, and of course, the floor.  Don’t forget the trunk. 

Throw out any trash. 

Go through what’s left and determine what needs to remain in your car.  This will vary, depending on your lifestyle.

The pockets behind the driver and passenger seats are great for keeping extra band-aids, books, and comics for the kids, baby wipes to clean your hands, etc.

Car trunk organizers, especially ones with compartments, are also good for storing items neatly and ensuring that they’re easy to find.

I keep jumper cables, windshield fluid, a flashlight, and a blanket in one trunk organizer, and in the other one, I have more personal items, such as an extra pair of gloves, an extra pair of boots, cleaning cloths, and a first aid kit.

A few years ago, I received a sun visor organizer as a Christmas gift.  This was one of the most useful gifts I ever received. I use it for receipts, pens, and a small notepad.  It’s also great for sunglasses. 

You want to ensure that your vehicle registration information is accessible and neatly organized in your glove compartment.  This is also a good place to house extra chargers.

A rule of thumb.  Nothing on the floor.    If you keep a trash bag in your car, this will help with this rule.  Remove the trash regularly, just like you do at home.

2. Junk Drawer

If you have a junk drawer that you just throw things in and say to yourself, “I’ll sort it out later,” now’s the time.

Pull out that drawer, dump out what’s inside and start going through the contents. 

Get a trusty trash bag – you’ll likely need it.

Start by sorting out “like” items into groups such as pens and pencils, all the different sizes of batteries, and things you use to close other things (rubber bands, twist ties, etc.).

For your pens, have a scrap piece of paper handy, give a quick scribble, and keep the ones that work. For the ones that don’t, throw them in your trash bag. The same goes for your pencils if they’re too short or broken. 

To test your batteries quickly, have a flashlight handy, pop them in and test the strength of the light. Properly discard batteries that don’t work because they contain acids that are not good for the environment. 

For putting items back in the drawer, use drawer organizers or, small plastic containers to keeps things in. Square ones are best as they fit together better and waste less space.  And, label them, to keep yourself organized.

3. Fridge

Before taking a look at the inside of the fridge, how does the outside look?  Many of us use the exterior of the fridge to stick notes, kid’s artwork, fridge magnets, etc.

Keep in mind that cleaning the exterior of your fridge is hard to do when it’s cluttered with paraphernalia.

Remove everything from the exterior and wipe down your fridge.

Decide what you’ll continue to display.  And, arrange them in a neat, orderly fashion.

As for the inside, well, of course, it gets disorganized with so many people going in and out of it, grabbing something and not putting it back where it was. When it gets disorganized it looks like there is not enough space and it makes it harder to find things. 

Quickly take everything out, clean the interior, and start putting things back in a more organized way.

Veggies in the crisper, juice and milk on the main shelf, and condiments on the door shelves. Put leftovers in see-through containers so you and your family will know exactly what is in them.  And remember to use labels.

It should be noted that the door of the fridge is the warmest spot so anything that might spoil faster should not be stored there. 

A few other considerations:

  • Place items that expire sooner in front of items that expire later, for example, place the newly purchased milk container behind the existing one.
  • Get rid of expired food and old food every week before grocery shopping.
  • Keep a running shopping list either on your fridge, or, smartphone.

For more details see Tips for a Well-Organized Fridge.

4. Bathroom Counter

If your bathroom counter is a hodgepodge of cosmetics, hair products, soap, toothpaste, etc., it’s time to get it organized.

Clear everything off, wipe it down and decide what will remain.

There is no one size fits all.

For example, I only keep essentials on the counter – toothbrush holder for toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, and lotion. Everything else is stored in totes in the cupboards below and in organizers inside the drawers.

My daughter, on the other hand, has a lot more on her bathroom counter; so, we make use of small baskets, and glass containers, to store her items.  And ensure they’re neatly organized.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Use toothbrush and toothpaste holders.  This will keep them from being scattered all over the counter and contained in one spot.
  • A soap dispenser is less messy than soap in a dish and you can find some pretty nice ones to complement your bathroom.
  • Make use of the drawers for your cosmetics and toiletries, and neatly store them in drawer organizers.
  • Get some containers, they are great for keeping each individual’s items in one place. Put them in the cupboard underneath to keep your counter space clear. Go one step further and stick labels on them, for easy access and to keep organized.

5. Purse

When’s the last time you decluttered your purse?

It’s so easy to just throw things in your purse and forget what’s there.

And, invariably, when you’re looking for something, you can’t find it! How many times have you convinced yourself that you’ve lost your keys because you’ve thrown them in a different area of your purse? You can be rifling through for your purse for awhile.

So, start with emptying out the contents and wiping down the exterior and interior of your purse.

Then decide what you will keep. And, organize where everything will go.   

If you consistently put certain items in certain compartments, this makes for easier access.

Purse organizer inserts can be great options, as they allow you to transfer the contents of one purse to another.  Make sure that you find one that fits the purses you use the most.

Don’t forget to make efficient use of your wallet.  Get rid of expired cards, old receipts, etc., and when you use a card, place it back in the same slot to ensure that you always know where it is when you need it.   

6. Sock Drawer

Do you have mismatched socks in your sock drawer?  Or, socks that you don’t wear anymore?

Take a few minutes and go through your drawer. You might be surprised at how many mismatched socks you’ll find and how many pairs you’re just not wearing.

Time to pare down. Get it, pare-pair?

Anyway, here’s a suggestion. Throw single socks into a small container in your closet.   Then every couple of weeks, go through the container, find the matches that you’ll either keep, discard or donate.

There are some organizations that accept gently used socks for donations. So, if you’re considering donating socks, check ahead to make sure.

7. Old Paint Cans

If you are a handyperson or have just been trying your hand at painting, you will have some paint cans to deal with. I think everyone knows that you can’t just throw them in the trash. It is very important you dispose of them properly.

You will need to check what the procedures are for your area. You can ask at the nearest hardware store, but it is best to check with your local waste organization. They will notify you not only of the proper procedure and the location of the closest drop off station.


There you have it, 7 easy areas to declutter: 

  1. Car
  2. Junk drawer
  3. Fridge
  4. Bathroom counter
  5. Purse
  6. Sock drawer
  7. Old paint cans

Set aside some time and pick one or more of the above items.  Focus your energy on that for a little bit and you will be pleased with having removed some more clutter from your life.

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2 thoughts on “7 Easy Areas to Declutter: Start Today

  • February 5, 2021 at 12:00 pm

    This has been extremely helpful. I have been on the warpath to declutter since the beginning of 2021 and I have been extremely successful! Thanks for your assistance! I have also share your info with others!

    • February 5, 2021 at 9:43 pm

      Thanks Noreen – good to hear that you’re making progress!

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