How to Keep Glass Shower Doors Clean

glass shower door

Whatever your reason for installing glass shower doors in your bathroom, they certainly add to the overall aesthetic.  However, it goes without saying that when they’re not as clean as they could be, it affects the look of your entire bathroom.  

When your glass shower doors aren’t clean, the whole bathroom doesn’t look clean. 

So, it’s important to stay on top of the build-up that results from excess soap and hard water collecting on the surface, to keep your glass shower doors clean. 

Keep in mind that this not only applies to glass shower doors but, any glass you install in your shower. 

List of materials to keep glass shower doors clean:

  1. Spray bottle. This is the ideal container for your cleaner of choice.
  2. Plastic scrubber. Use a gentle scrubber, so you don’t accidentally create scuffs on your glass door.
  3. Sponge. For gentle cleaning.
  4. Squeegee. The ultimate tool for cleaning glass shower doors.
  5. Vinegar. An organic cleansing favorite is great for glass.
  6. Baking Soda. An organic scrubbing favorite is ideal for stubborn stains.
  7. Glass cleaner. There’s merit in going the classic route. Store-bought glass cleaners have been formulated to make your glass as clean and clear as possible, and they get the job done.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide. This is effective if you have a mold problem in the shower. 
  9. Microfiber cloths. Of course – you can’t leave the glass wet and attract floating particles of dirt. Use one for rinsing and one for drying.

Effective cleaning and stain-removal solutions 

There’s your commercial glass cleaner for a quick and easy fix, but if you prefer organic and homemade options, here are some effective ones to keep glass shower doors clean.  Also, they’ll be a good substitute if you forget to buy glass cleaner!

  1. White vinegar and water. This simple solution is a favorite for organic cleaners everywhere. Mix one part vinegar and three parts water to create a strong enough cleaner to get rid of germs and stains. 
  2. Baking soda and water. Another easy concoction – since you’re likely to have baking soda at home anyway – that will give you an additional boost in removing stains especially with its exfoliating function. For the scrub, mix enough to make a paste, about 2 ½ tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water, to yield a small amount to apply to hard water and any other stubborn stains.
  3. Lemon juice and water. Lemon juice’s acidic content cleans and kills bacteria. The best part? It also leaves a heavenly smell! Just three tablespoons to a cup of water are enough for your cleaning solution.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. This solution, being a bit more heavy-duty, is meant for heavy-duty stains. This is one of the ways you can get rid of stubborn mold and mildew stains on your glass doors.

How to Clean Your Glass Shower Doors Daily

Use this daily routine to keep glass shower doors clean and prevent stains.

  1. Spray the soap streaks and hard water stains with a homemade solution or commercial cleaner.  
  2. Use the squeegee in either a top to bottom motion or a horizontal motion, to remove solution and excess water.  Leave the door open afterward to speed up drying time.

Remember to clean the squeegee afterward.  Wash it off in plain water and leave it to air dry. 

How to Clean Your Glass Shower Doors Weekly

Here’s a weekly routine for a more thorough clean. 

  1. Prepare your ideal cleaning agent. Choose from the wide variety that we have noted above.  If you want a natural solution, go with vinegar. If your household is sensitive to the smell of vinegar or you have a surface in your bathroom that could erode with vinegar, lemon juice and water is another homemade option. Once again, store-bought, commercial glass cleaners will also work.
  2. Spot-clean hard soap scum and mineral stains. An effective removal agent to use for this step is the baking soda paste. Dip your scrubber into the paste gently applying the mixture to any hard soap scum and stains.  Be careful not to create scuffs on the glass surface, applying light amounts, as a little goes a long way.  In essence, you’re applying a light scrub on the glass surface with this stain remover. 
  3. Spray your cleaning agent all over the glass and let sit. When your solution’s in the spray bottle, shake it a few times before applying a generous mist on the surface of your glass doors. Then, leave it for about 5 minutes to soak in. This will allow the solution to start working on the dirt and stains, leading to an easier clean. Don’t be impatient!
  4. Rinse all the cleaning solution off the door. Using your microfiber cloth soaked in water, remove the cleaning solution from your glass doors, ensuring there’s no more leftover residue anywhere. And wipe dry with the other microfiber cloth. 
  5. Treat mold or mildew stains with hydrogen peroxide. Spray the mold with the solution, let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, allowing time for the mold to start fading away. And, then use a cleaning cloth or an old toothbrush on the residue.  Rinse the area with water afterward.

Beware of mold. Mold can be harmful to your health.  It’s best to take preventative measures to keep it under control in your home.  If you have a serious infestation, it’s important to call a professional.


To keep glass shower doors clean, it’s important to stay on top of the build-up arising from soap scum, stains, and hard water.

A quick daily spray and wipe down with a squeegee, will make your cleaning process easier. 

And, for your weekly cleaning, a more thorough approach using your cleaning agent and light scrubbing is an effective way to fully tackle what the daily process doesn’t take care of.

Also, remember to treat with hydrogen peroxide to control mold and mildew.