10 Signs It’s Time to Declutter

It’s time to declutter

Are there signs that it’s time to declutter?

There are many indicators pointing to the need to pare down. And, on some level, while we know when we have too much stuff, it’s sometimes easier to keep placing decluttering low on the priority list, while continuing to accumulate more and more. 

And, when we run out of room in our homes, some of us resort to using storage units. Interestingly enough about 10.6% of U.S. households rent self-storage units.  

So, how do you know if you need to declutter? 

We’ll take a look at 10 of the warning signs. Perhaps they’ll resonate with you and spur you into action. 

1. Frequently misplacing things you use regularly, such as your keys

Most of us are guilty of misplacing our keys. Car keys, house keys, any keys. How many times have you left them on your console table once you entered the house, only to find they are not there when you need them again? 

However, if you or other family members spend a good amount of time looking for keys frequently, it’s a warning sign that it’s time to declutter. 

When your living space is cluttered, you don’t have a home for everything. And, the tendency is to put whatever you have in your hand at the moment, down somewhere without giving it too much thought. The problem with this is not remembering where you placed it!

The key is to have a place for everything – a home for everything if you will. This way, you know where everything belongs, and you can return things to their proper spots.

2. Difficulty closing cupboards and drawers

If you’ve got more than one kitchen cupboard that remains slightly ajar because it’s too full to close or you wrestle with a dresser drawer whenever you have to open or close it, these are strong indicators that it’s time to declutter. 

It would be nice to stop breaking out into a sweat whenever you have to open the cupboard or drawer to look for something!

Decluttering these areas is going to require something. It will require you to take the time to go through the items, make decisions to ultimately pare down, and get the excess out of your house.

3. Clothing that no longer fits or that you haven’t worn in a long time

Perhaps you’ve got clothing that no longer fits or just doesn’t suit your style anymore. And, as hard as it might feel to part ways with clothing because of how much you spent on something, or because of nostalgia, or a whole host of other reasons, if you want to clear up some space, you’ve got to let go. 

Go through your closets and drawers, and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit and that you no longer wear. As well, purge the items that in reality, you won’t be stitching or patching.   

And, you’ll be surprised at the amount of space that has been freed up.

4. You read about decluttering but, don’t take action

Now, granted, there’s plenty of information you can source about decluttering (including yours truly). There’s no shortage of information on this topic. 

At the end of the day though, are you taking action?  Are you rolling up your sleeves and getting to work?

Or, does decluttering keep getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list?

It’s time to put into practice what you’ve been reading, to get results. Especially if you’ve been struggling with the issue of clutter for years.

5. Embarrassed to have people over 

Another sign that it’s time to declutter, is feeling embarrassed to have people over. It’s hard to feel good about a living space that’s cluttered.  Not to mention inviting people to your home!

Here’s an interesting fact – this is NOT uncommon!  61% of Americans are embarrassed by their houses – and admit they lie in order to avoid unwelcome visitors.

So, with that being said, break away from what seems to be the norm and start tackling your clutter. The sooner you take action, the better you’ll feel about your living space and about welcoming people into your home. 

6. Misplaced bills resulting in late payments

Paper clutter can result in late bill payments.  So, if you’re spending a good amount of time looking for bills and often end up paying late fees, it’s time to declutter. Sort through old bills, paper, stationery – basically your paper clutter. And, decide what you can shred and recycle. Consider installing wall-mounted organizers and creating a mail center in your home. Don’t let clutter cost you more than it already has.

7. Regular retail therapy adds to your clutter

While retail therapy might feel good in the moment, bringing more items into your home adds to the clutter.  And, means that you’ll have more stuff to go through when you’re in the process of paring down. 

Getting in touch with ways to curb your impulse shopping will be helpful to minimize the desire for retail therapy.   

Decluttering in and of itself almost feels therapeutic. Like a weight being lifted from your shoulders when your home is clutter-free. 

8. Many unopened purchases

Speaking of retail therapy, unopened purchases is one of its many consequences and another sign that it’s time to declutter.  

Whether it’s items in their original packaging, deliveries that haven’t been opened, shopping bags full of clothes stuffed in the corner of the closet, you’ll feel relieved when you take the time to go through what you have and decide what to keep and what to donate. 

9. Rent at least one storage unit or are considering doing so

Storage units continue to grow in popularity. One reason people rent storage units is to store what cannot fit in their homes.   

If you’re renting a storage unit for this reason it’s another sign it’s time to declutter. 

Here’s something to ask yourself. If you have excess stuff in a storage unit, what’s the possibility that you’ll travel there, go through your items and pare things down?  Keep this in mind when you consider the monthly storage fees. 

10. The top of your nightstand is very messy

Perhaps your nightstand looks more like the inside of a junk drawer. If so, its proximity to your bed could contribute to a less than relaxed state when it’s time to wind down for the night. 

It’s time to take action and keep it as free from clutter as possible. Stick with items that are essential to you. Such as glasses, the book you’re currently reading, and of course, a lamp. 


At the end of the day, clutter has an impact on how you feel about your home and yourself. As previously mentioned, decluttering is therapeutic.

If these warning signs resonate, now is your chance to get on top of your clutter. And when you do, you will have the room to start taking action in other areas of your life.

Related Posts:

7 Best Ways to Stop Clutter Before it Starts

Organize Your Mail: Create a Mail Center in Your Home

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