12 Bathroom Organization Tips for Seniors’ Safety

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Clean bathroom accommodated for seniors or people with disabilities

Seniors fall in their homes at a rate of 25% per year. And according to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), more than 80% of these falling accidents occur in the bathroom. 

Organizing our bathrooms for safety is critical, especially as we age.

So, whether it’s for you or a senior you love, here are 12-bathroom safety tips for seniors to make the bathroom as safe as possible.


This is not to be considered as medical advice. Please consult your doctor to discuss, before making any changes.

1. Non-slip bathmats

Showers and bathtubs can be slippery, so it’s important to have a non-slip bathmat to prevent falls. This is not just for inside the shower or bath, though. Once you finish your shower and step out, you’ll want to step onto a non-slip bathmat there to prevent slipping on the wet floor.

2. Weighted shower curtain

A weighted shower curtain can be useful in preventing falls, as it helps keep the curtain in place.

Furthermore, it prevents water from spilling out onto the floor, which can cause a slipping hazard.

3. Grab bars

Senior women holding onto grab bar in the bathroom

Another tip when considering bathroom safety for seniors is installing grab bars.  Doing so can help to avoid falls. Grab bars provide support and stability when getting in and out of the shower or bathtub.

They can also be used to hold onto when brushing your teeth or shaving.

It’s natural to grab for something when feeling unsteady, so having professionally installed grab bars in the bathroom can provide that added stability.

4. Hand-held showerhead

Hand holding removable showerhead

If you find it difficult to stand under a traditional showerhead, consider switching to a hand-held showerhead. This will allow you to control the water pressure and make it easier to stay upright.

Furthermore, it decreases movement on your part and keeps you more stationary, which can help to prevent falls.

Have a plumber or handyperson install a showerhead with a temperature control valve. This will allow you to easily adjust the water temperature and find a setting that works best for you.

5. Consider purchasing a shower chair

Shower chair in the shower area

If you’re worried about falling in the shower, consider utilizing a shower chair. This will allow you to sit down while you shower, so that you don’t have to worry about standing up.

Shower chairs come in a variety of styles, so you can find one that fits your needs.

6. Increase lighting

Bathroom night light

One of the reasons seniors fall in the bathroom is because it’s often difficult to see clearly. This is especially true if you have poor vision. To combat this, increase the lighting in your bathroom as much as possible. This will help you to see clearly and avoid any dangerous falls.

Having nightlights installed can also be helpful so that you can see if you need to get up in the middle of the night.

You can also install illuminated light switches in your bathroom to make it easier to see in the dark.

7. Wear non-skid slippers or non-skid socks

Another bathroom safety tip for seniors is wearing non-skid slippers or non-skid socks. Wearing these items can prevent falls as they have traction and stability, to help you avoid slipping, particularly on wet floors.

8. Install a toilet seat riser

Toilet seat riser

If you have difficulty getting up and down from the toilet, a toilet seat riser can be installed. This will raise the height of the seat, enabling you to get on and off the toilet with more ease. Also, make sure to use a toilet seat with armrests for added support.

9. Access to frequently-used items

To avoid falls, it’s important to have easy access to the items that you use daily.

So, if you typically use a certain type of soap or shampoo, make sure to keep it within easy reach.

You can also use hooks to hang towels and robes so that they’re within easy reach.

Ensure that your shower caddy is within easy reach as well, so that you don’t have to worry about stretching to get your products.

10. Remove obstacles

Clutter in the bathroom can lead to falls, so it’s important to remove any obstacles from your path. Keep only the essential items in the bathroom.

Having some storage in your bathroom is key, as it will help to keep the space organized and free of clutter so that you’re not tripping over items that are lying around. Keep your countertops clear and use storage solutions like shelves and baskets to store your toiletries.

11. Over-the-toilet organizer

An over-the-toilet organizer can be helpful in organizing your bathroom and making it more accessible.

This type of organizer typically has several shelves and compartments, which can be used to store products, towels, and other items – things that are used frequently in the bathroom.

12. Freestanding toilet paper holder

If you have trouble reaching the toilet paper, consider using a freestanding toilet paper holder.

This type of holder is placed on the floor next to the toilet and can be easily reached.

It’s also helpful if you have limited mobility as it eliminates the need to bend over.


Taking the necessary precautions in the bathroom can help to prevent falls and keep you and your loved ones safe. These bathroom safety tips for seniors are just a few of the many things that you can do to make your bathroom safer. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of falling and stay safe while in the bathroom.

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