How Effective is the iRobot Roomba?

Is the iRobot Roomba just a cool gadget, or, is it an effective cleaning tool?  

Can it really help you stay on top of your cleaning?

Well, here are my thoughts.

Not the Only One

Now, while there are different varieties of automated vacuums, the iRobot is the only one I have had experience with.

How Does It Work?


The iRobot is an automated vacuum on wheels.  Once you press the start button, it zips around your home vacuuming your floors, whether carpeted, tiled, or wood.  And forms an internal map of your rooms, based on the objects it encounters while cleaning.  Essentially, the iRobot has sensors that help it to navigate its way around your home.  

 It also has a sensor that detects when it gets to the edge of something, like the stairway. When this happens, it stops and turns around. 

Interestingly enough, the iRobot comes with another device called a “virtual wall”.  This device sends a radio signal to the iRobot alerting it to avoid crossing into the area blocked by the virtual wall.  This is great for keeping the iRobot out of rooms or areas that don’t have doors, that could otherwise be used to block access.

iRobot Virtual Wall

Price Range?

iRobots range in price from approximately $ 300 to about $ 900, depending on the model.

So, I’ve had an iRobot for roughly 5 years, and for the most part, I’ve been pleased with this purchase.  And, as with most things, there are pluses and minuses. If you are interested in, or, considering making a purchase decision, take a look below at some of the pros and cons I’ve identified since buying an iRobot.


1. Stairs

The iRobot does not navigate stairs!

Too bad, as vacuuming stairs can be challenging.

Still, the way that technology is going, it wouldn’t be surprising if one day this happens and when it does, it will be a game-changer.

2. Size

Because of its design, getting between tight spaces, such as small corners and between closely spaced furniture, is not possible.

3. Cost

 As mentioned previously, prices range from roughly $ 300 to about $ 900, based on the model. Depending on your budget, this can be cost-prohibitive.  Therefore, waiting for sales can be beneficial. I purchased mine at a Black Friday sale and got it for 40% off.

4. Small Dust Collection Bin

The dust collection bin is small, so with large carpeted surfaces that typically collect a lot of dust, the bin can fill up quickly.


1. User Friendly

It is so easy to operate!

Just press Start and it’s ready to go. So, regardless of whether your floors are carpeted, tiled, or wood, it vacuums them all.

2. Under the bed

Reaches under the bed and does a thorough job.  How often do you currently vacuum underneath your bed? Probably not very often, especially if you have a Queen, or, King-sized bed.

3. Salt on mats

Removes salt on mats during winter weather; you can set it to go every day for regular salt removal

4. Large areas

Works great on large, uncarpeted, open areas that would otherwise be tedious to manually vacuum or sweep.

5. Heavy traffic areas

And works well for cleaning heavily trafficked areas, such as entryways and hallways.

6. Sensors

Has sensors to detect, walls, stairs, ledges, extra dusty areas, and objects such as furniture.

7. Minimal monitoring

Once you press Start, it does all of the work, freeing you up to do something else, like throwing in a load of laundry, folding some clothes, or catching up on some reading. For the most part, there is no need for supervision – just press and go!

iRobot near furniture

8. Actually works

Does a great job vacuuming the floors.

It actually works and is an effective tool for your cleaning needs.


  • Don’t use the iRobot if you’re expecting guests within the hour, because it can take a bit of time to complete an area.  Get into a routine of vacuuming regularly.
  • Some surfaces may need occasional monitoring as the vacuum may stop or get stuck on some stray material.  If that happens, simply move the iRobot and restart it.
  • To help avoid the above, remove objects from the floor that can cause the iRobot to jam such as slippers, shoelaces, cables, and other similar, small items.
  • The manufacturer recommends emptying the dust collection bin after each use.
  • For dust-prone, larger areas, use the virtual wall to clean smaller sections at a time.
  • Many models have a Spot clean feature, causing the iRobot to repeatedly circle an area that is approximately 3 – 4 feet wide, for about 1 – 2 minutes.

Overall, I’m pleased with the iRobot.  The limitations are minor and easily managed.  Carving out time to manually vacuum is not required.  And dust control is much improved.  

Is it a cool gadget? Yes. 

And, it’s also an effective cleaning tool.

If it fits in your budget, I recommend it.  It is a great time saver.