12 Ways to Enjoy Your Home

home heart wooden letters

Perhaps you’re taking your living space for granted and you don’t enjoy your home as much as you could be. And maybe you feel like your home is just a place to crash at the end of the day and not a place you love.

If this sounds familiar, it’s time for a change. If you want to enjoy your living space and make it a place that feels like home, you need to put in some work. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive.

There are plenty of simple and inexpensive ways to transform your home into a place that you love. With a little bit of effort, you can make your house feel like the inviting and cozy home you’ve always wanted.

Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Add some plants

plants in living room

Adding some greenery to your home can make a big difference in the overall feel of the space. Plants can brighten up any room and make it feel more alive. Not to mention, they come in many different shapes and sizes, so you’re to find something to match your décor. Furthermore if your thumb is not as green as you’d like it to be, there are several low-maintenance plants that require very little attention to thrive!

2. Throw pillows

catus on throw pillow

Having extra throw pillows around the house is like having an instant comfort station. How’s that for a way to enjoy your home? Pillows on couches and chairs make any room more inviting and cozier, and they can be changed according to the season or your mood. They’re also great for exchanging with your guests to make them more comfortable! Since pillows are small items, they’re also easy to decorate.

3. Scents

Whether it’s fresh flowers or candle warmers, a fresh-smelling home makes a difference. There are many ways you can scent the air in your home for an inviting effect. For instance, scents such as lavender and jasmine have dual benefits of smelling good and positively impacting mental health.  

4. Be content with what you have

man holding grateful sign

Cultivating gratitude is a pathway to happiness. Think of all the things that are great about your home – maybe they include having a fireplace, a backyard, or living near your workplace. Whatever your reason is for being happy with your home, try to find joy in that instead of focusing on what’s holding you back from being content.

5. Get clear about how you want to feel in your home and create it

Everyone wants to feel calm in their living space. Figure out what contributes to you feeling that way so you can bring elements of it into your home. For example, if you love the beach- find some art with sand dunes or watercolors of the ocean to hang on your wall. If you love books- find a comfortable chair to read in and turn your bookshelves into a library. Create space for the things that make you feel good!

6. Add some attractive textures

wool blanket

Another way to enjoy your home and make it feel more inviting is to add different textures. This can be anything from a fluffy blanket thrown over your couch to a basket of fuzzy towels in your bathroom. Textures add visual interest and make your space cozier.

7. Think of your home as a mini resort

It takes work to keep up with your life every day, so why not create an environment where you can recharge? Draw yourself a nice bath or take some time for yourself in your backyard. Do what it takes to make your house a place you look forward to going back to after a long day.

8. Treat your home with respect

Don’t neglect your home by being messy or disrespecting the place where you live. Take care of it and appreciate all that is good about your space, from the beautiful furniture to the inspiring view! If you neglect it, your space will reflect the same way, but if you take care of everything that is important to you, then that will be represented in how your home looks and feels.

It’s hard to enjoy your home if it’s cluttered. A cluttered home can feel cramped and stressful. Take some time to declutter your living space and get rid of anything that you don’t need. This will help you feel more relaxed in your own home.

9. Add mirrors

collection of mirrors

Another great way to make your home feel bigger and brighter is to add mirrors. The light reflecting from mirrors gives the impression of a larger space. They’re also a great way to add some decorative flair to your home.

10. Invite friends over

One of the best ways to make your home feel like an inviting space is to have people over. Invite your friends and family over for dinner or to hang out. This will help you create lasting memories in your home and enjoy your space.

There’s something about having guests in your space that makes it feel more “lived in.” You’ll have a heightened sense of pride in your living space after hosting people from the comfort of your home.

11. Stop comparing your home to others

It’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison trap. We see pictures of other people’s homes on social media, on TV, and in magazines, and we start to feel like our home is inadequate.

Comparing your home to others will only lead to dissatisfaction. You’ll never be happy if you’re always trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Instead of comparing your home to others, focus on the positive aspects of your living space. Appreciate all the hard work that went into making it a comfortable place for you and your family. Let go of comparisons and be happy with what you have!

12. Ask for help

If you’re feeling stuck, ask for help. Talk to your friends and family about your goals for your home. They may have some great ideas that you haven’t considered.

You can also hire a professional to give you some guidance.


By learning how to enjoy your home no matter what makes it unique or by focusing on what’s great about it instead of all the things you think it lacks, your space will be enjoyable.

There are plenty of ways to make your home into the inviting place you want it to be. Remember don’t forget that your home should fit your style, so take the steps to create a living space that feels like an extension of who you are.